Jul 23 , 2020
Hajj Simplified - Step by step
( Alhamdulillah Allah has blessed many among Ummah to visit and perform Hajj. But yet a large proportion of Muslims have not yet performed it. They do not even know steps in Hajj properly. Go ahead and have a look at this blog by sister Maryam Fidha,regional head Kerala and Saudi Arabia of The Islamic kidstore. Even if you are aware of steps in hajj this may serve as a perfect guide for understanding it in depth as well as drawing attention to often done mistakes in Hajj.
The Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) is one of the five pillars of Islam, the obligations that all Muslims must uphold. Every adult Muslim (male or female) who has the physical and financial means is required to travel to Mecca to perform the Hajj once in his or her lifetime. In Mecca, Muslims from all over the world gather in a display of faith, unity, and solidarity by recreating the ritual that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) performed in his last pilgrimage
Often Muslims face confusion to perform Hajj rituals. They make it more complex by asking every person coming back from the pilgrimage.
7 Easy Steps of Hajj Every Pilgrim Need to Go Through.
It is a must to know Hajj rites in detail which follow the actions of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) incorporated 1,377 years ago. There are many different ways mentioned by Hajjis and scholars to perform Hajj pilgrimage but there is not a suitable breakdown anywhere. Go through these easy steps of Hajj for yourself and others.
A step-by-step guide to Hajj
- Step 1- Circulating the Kaaba Seven Times
Enter ihram (the sacred state)
The very first rite of Hajj is entering ihram - a pilgrim's sacred state - when crossing the outer boundaries of Mecca, called Miqat.
This is followed on 8th Dhul-Hijjah by pilgrims before heading to Mina.
At the tent-city of Mina, pilgrims usually spend the day and then stay there until the next morning. Pilgrims perform five prayers in Mina, starting with noon prayer and ending with the dawn.
Most of the time in Mina is spent in prayer and remembering Allah.
Pilgrims reach Arafah on 9th Dhul-Hijjah. Day of Arafat is the most important day.
- Step 2 – Pray All Day on Mount Arafat
Pilgrims reach Arafah on 9th Dhul-Hijjah. Day of Arafat is the most important day.
Mount Mercy at Arafat was the scene of the Prophet Muhammad's final sermon.
- Step 3 – Stay Overnight in Muzdalifah
When the sun is about to set, pilgrims leave for Muzdalifah.
After making the 14.4 km journey from Mina, pilgrims spend the day here in reverent prayer.Collect pebbles at Muzdalifah.After sunset, its time to move again, this time to Muzdalifah - a 9 km trip - where they spend the night under the stars. Many will also begin collecting pebbles here for tomorrow's rites, departing again just before sunrise.
- Step 4- Stoning of the Devil
On the 10th Dhul-Hijjah, pilgrims throw stones at the pillars. This is probably the longest day of the pilgrimage. On pilgrims go back to Mina, they perform first rami, throwing seven pebbles at the columns known as Jamaraat. It dates back to the history that at this spot in Mina, the devil tried to discourage Prophet Ibrahim from heeding the command.
He then threw small pebbles to make him go away. After stoning, a sacrifice of an animal is recommended. Pilgrims then leave the state of Ihram and Proceed to al-Masjid al-Haram in Makkah to perform Tawaf al-ifadha.
- Step 5 – Run 7 Times between Al-Safa and Al-Marwa
At Makkah, pilgrims circulate the Kaaba seven times and perform Sa’y between hills of Safa and Marwa. They then drink from Zam-zam well and return to Mina.
- Step 6 –Perform Stoning of the Devil Up to Three Days in Mina
Pilgrims carry to stay in Mina for two-three days and they again stone the devil to each of the three pillars on 11th and 12th of Dhul-Hijjah. To avoid over-crowding, the stoning must be performed according to predetermined schedules.
- Step 7 –Perform Farewell Tawaaf in Counter-Clock Wise Direction
After completing this ritual, pilgrims return to Makkah and perform the final Tawaaf of Kaaba as a ‘Farewell Tawaaf’ in Masjid al-Haram. This marks the end of Hajj.
Many pilgrims also visit Madinah before returning to their home-town. However, it’s not obligatory for every pilgrim to do so.
Hajj, a pilgrimage to the Sacred House is a journey of a lifetime and if performed properly yields the reward of paradise, of which no individual would want to be deprived.
So here are some common mistakes to avoid:
Changing The Intention
“The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended.”
One can change his/her intention for the type of Hajj they would like to perform before entering into Ihram.
- Issues of Ihram:
Walking barefoot
Harming others
Trying to hold the ka’aba door, and wiping the wall of the ka’bah, leaning on the wall of it and supplicating.
Selfies-Remember that we are here to please Allah (Praise be to Him) alone. Photography/ videography only disturbs others and may possibly be an element of sin as it corrupts your intention.
Making Duas aloud
Make individual supplications in a subtle tone that does not offer disturbance to others.
Wasting time in Mina
Avoid chit-chatting with fellow tent-mates. This time should be utilized in Dhikr, Qur’an, and supplications.
Getting emotional at Jamarat
Jamarat are not devils disguised as stones, nor is the devil physically attached there, rather it is a stone of indication revealing the spot where evil (devil), tried to mislead Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH).
Skipping Tawaf al-Wada’
Note that this Tawaf is compulsory to perform, even if your place of residence is Jeddah as it is a part of the Hajj ritual.
Visiting Madinah as a part of Hajj ritual
It is a wrong belief that visiting the city of the Prophet (peace be upon him) is part of the Hajj ritual. We should only visit to gain the rewards of praying obligatory Salah.
These are just few mistakes, sadly there are others too. Brothers and sisters, check with reliable sources what to do and what not to do during Umrah and Hajj. You wouldn’t want your worship to go to waste since you didn’t pay attention to the details.
May Allah help us in our acts of worship to be from the Qur’ān and the Sunnah.
Almighty Allah gives everyone this opportunity to go for a blessed journey once in a lifetime.
Mashallah,so much information and details that will help us to learn more like prayers,quran,mecca&medina,kaaba,about all the 25 maybe peope think 124,000 prophets were there
Mashallah,so much details and information that will help us learn more about the quran,prayers,mecca&medina,kabbah,all the prophets and maybe more
you have enlightened me on this matter my sister. May Allah(SW) bless you abundantly amiin.
Jazakallah khair sister Mariyam Fidha… this article is beautiful… definitely got to learn more ❤️
MashAllah very informative and useful